Steve Filyk is a dedicated Presbyterian minister and Canadian Armed Forces Chaplain, serving Kamloops. With an engaging and concise communication style, Steve is an asset to both his congregation and the Canadian Armed Forces, bridging the gap between faith and service while enriching the lives of those he encounters. His dedication to his callings and his community is a testament to his commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of others.
Steve's passion for fostering spiritual growth extends beyond the pulpit, as he has contributed extensively to local and national publications, authoring numerous articles on religion and spirituality. His thoughtful and insightful writings provide valuable perspectives on matters of faith, offering guidance and solace to those seeking deeper understanding.
Steven has an affinity for welcoming back the "Lost Church Generation," individuals born between 1980 and 2000, raised Christian, but whose family (parents and grandparents) previously attended church and stopped attending. The Lost Church Generation wants to reconnect with family faith traditions, seek structure outside of work, and pass on Christian beliefs to their children. Transitioning back into church, even if your family has been away for a generation and forming connections within the community can and should be seamless and natural. Steve possesses a natural inclination to facilitate this reconnection.
We believe that God in Christ has created the diverse and beautiful world we inhabit. God calls all to steward this gift with wisdom and care. The land on which we live and worship has been home to the Secwe̓pemc for generations. We are grateful for their wise and loving care for this land and we honour their continuing relationship with it. We pray for grace to live with the Secwe̓pemc people as wise stewards of creation.
Call to make an appointment.