Welcome to St. Andrew's! We would love to have you join us this Sunday. Our services are traditional though there is modern music and the occasional shouted 'amen'. We dive deeply into Holy Scripture for guidance and bring our personal prayer requests before God. You don't need to dress up. You can sit where you like. You can stay for coffee after the service and meet new friends.
In addition to attending in person, you can stream the service live HERE on Facebook or HERE on our website.
Thanks to Curtis, Marion, Rod, & Jarrett for helping lead this morning's worship.
Order of Service
As we prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming, we anticipate God’s rescue with joy.
At the same time, we recognize that our own actions
can lighten the burdens of others.
Today, we light the third candle of Advent, the candle of joy,
a reminder to lift our spirits and celebrate God’s love.
(Light the candle of joy.)
Holy One, fill us with joy and peace as we trust in You.
May the warmth and glow of your light inspire us to act with compassion and courage.
Empower us to be a people of joy and justice.
We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Opening Hymn: "Creator Of The Stars Of Night" (111) (Tune: Winchester New, Public Domain)
Opening Prayers & Children's Story
Choruses: "Here I Am To Worship" (Hughes) & "Be Still And Know" (Herrington, Fettke)
Prayers for Yvonne & Jovan
Scripture Lessons: Luke 1:26-38, 2:15-19
Sermon: TBD
Choir: "What child is this" (161) (Dix) & "Infant holy, Infant lowly" (143) (Reed, Rusbridge)
Offering & Doxology
Prayers of the People (can be shared in comments of live feed)
Zoom Bible Study: Tuesday from 11:45 am to 12:45 pm.
Women's Study: On pause until the New Year.
A&W Men's Study: Thursday from 7:00 to 8:00 pm.
Christmas Choir: All those interested in joining a pop-up seasonal choir meet in the sanctuary after the service.
Birthdays & Anniversaries: Irene Pater (Monday, December 16), Moe & Linda (Thursday, December 19), Mac & Berna (Saturday, December 21).
Volunteers for NEXT Sunday: Klaas (Elder), TBD (Reader), Klaas (Greeter), Jarrett (Vocalist), Isobel (AV). The volunteer schedule is posted online. Please find an alternate if you cannot serve.
The Longest Night Service: A quiet/reflective service to acknowledge loss will be held at the church on Sunday, December 22 at 7:00 pm. Postcard invitations are available.
Christmas Day Dinner: This is a community dinner for all who want to join. We can accommodate food sensitivities and take-out and delivery are also available. Speak to Hallie if you'd like to sing-up or volunteer.
Hymn: "Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee (Ode To Joy)" (410) (Hodges, Van Dyke, Beethoven)
Thought for Reflection
Benediction & Amen