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Among the variety of roles of the Board of Managers is the care and maintenance of the church building and property. Recently, we had a professional assessment done on the Interior and Exterior of our building and there are many items which need to be addressed. Some items can be taken care of by our allotted budgeted funds. Others, however, substantially exceed our Annual Budget and require Funds to be Raised to meet the costs.

The exterior of our building has not been painted in many years and has developed several cracks in the plaster. Refurbishing and painting the building will restore the walls, preventing further deterioration and extending their life. It will also improve the aesthetics and hopefully draw attention to the church. This is an expensive undertaking of upwards of $50,000.00 and therefore, the project will be done in phases over the next couple of years. There certainly are things we can do to help defray some of these expenses, but due to the height of our building, we need to hire professionals and their equipment to reach the upper areas. 

We need to have $15,000.00 in place to begin Phase 1 which includes the east and south walls. We hope to have this phase completed by Fall this year. Fundraising will continue until all expenses are covered and all phases are completed. Just designate on your cheque and/or envelope an amount for the Painting Project.

A large part of a successful paint job is prepping the surface. If you are willing and capable of giving a hand to help defray some of the costs, please speak to a member of the Board of Managers.