In light of recent doctrinal changes in our national church, I've been reflecting on the diversity of thought within the body of Christ. I put the following questions to the heads of our three seminaries. I asked them to restrict themselves to one-word answers. Here is what they said:
Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart
Dean of St. Andrew's Hall
- What is the most important part of any church service? BENEDICTION
- What is the most important personal devotional practice? PRAYER
- What is the deadliest sin? IDOLATRY
- Other than Jesus or Paul, who is the most important theologian in church history? CALVIN
- What is the most under-appreciated aspect of God's character? BEAUTY
Rev. Dr. Roland De Vries
Principal of Presbyterian College
- What is the most important part of any church service? ASSURANCE OF PARDON
- What is the most important personal devotional practice? FASTING
- What is the deadliest sin? IDOLATRY
- Other than Jesus or Paul, who is the most important theologian in church history? PLATO (Bad Theology)
- What is the most under-appreciated aspect of God's character? PROVIDENCE
Rev. Dr. John A. Vissers
Principal of Knox College
- What is the most important part of any church service? APPROACH
- What is the most important personal devotional practice? STILLNESS
- What is the deadliest sin? FAITHLESSNESS
- Other than Jesus or Paul, who is the most important theologian in church history? THOMAS AQUINAS
- What is the most under-appreciated aspect of God's character? HUMILITY