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Welcome to St. Andrew's! We would love to have you join us this Sunday. Our services are traditional though there is modern music and the occasional shouted 'amen'. We dive deeply into Holy Scripture for guidance and bring our personal prayer requests before God. You don't need to dress up. You can sit where you like. You can stay for coffee after the service and meet new friends. 

In addition to attending in person, you can stream the service live HERE on Facebook or HERE on our website.

Thanks to Curtis & Floris for helping lead this morning's worship. Special thanks to Naomi for bringing her harp!

Order of Service


Call to Worship (Isaiah 60)

Arise! Shine! The light you have been waiting for is here!
Darkness has been banished!
God's light of hope floods the earth
God's light comes to us all.
Lord, make us ready to journey to this Light.
Prepare our hearts to receive this Light. Amen.

Opening Carol: "As With Gladness Men Of Old "(172) (Kocher, Dix)

Opening Prayers & Children's Story

Carol: "The Huron Carol" (144) (Public Domain) & Angels From The Realms Of Glory (146) (Smart, Montgomery)

Chorus: "We Fall Down" (Tomlin)

Scripture Lessons: Matthew 2:1-12 & Romans 10:9-15

Sermon: "Streams of Christian Faith: The Magi"

Offering & Doxology

Prayers of the People (can be shared in comments of live feed)

Communion Hymn: I Believe (words: unpublished, tune: Tallis Canon)

The Lord's Supper


Bible Study: Tuesday from 11:45 am to 12:45 pm.
Women's Study: Thursday at 11:30 in the Tea Room.
A&W Men's Study: Thursday from 7:00 to 8:00 pm.
Birthdays & Anniversaries: Carolyn Bacon (Monday, January 6)
Volunteers for NEXT Sunday: Klaas (Elder), Harold (Reader), TBD (Greeter), Jarrett (Vocalist), Brennan (AV). The volunteer schedule is posted online. Please find an alternate if you cannot serve.
Photo Directory Update: If you are new to St. Andrew's we'd love to add you to our congregational directory. A clipboard will be shared during the service.
H20 for Hope: 
If anyone would like to donate to the Lighthouse's distribution of bottled water among the city's homeless please talk to Pastor Steve. 

Closing Carol: "The First Noel" (136)

Thought for Reflection

Benediction & Amen