Welcome to St. Andrew's! We would love to have you join us this Sunday. Our services are traditional though there is modern music and the occasional shouted 'amen'. We dive deeply into Holy Scripture for guidance and bring our personal prayer requests before God. You don't need to dress up. You can sit where you like. You can stay for coffee after the service and meet new friends.
In addition to attending in person, you can stream the service live HERE on Facebook or HERE on our website.
Thanks to Curtis & Timma for helping lead this morning's worship, and special thanks to our guest preacher the Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhard.
Ross is the Dean of St. Andrew’s Hall, the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s college at the University of British Columbia. He also serves as Professor of Mission Studies at the Vancouver School of Theology, where he teaches practical theology. Ross holds a PhD from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and is the author of several books, including his latest, West Coast Mission: The Changing Nature of Christianity in Vancouver, released this fall by McGill-Queen’s University Press. He resides with his family on Bowen Island, B.C.
Order of Service
Call to Worship & Candle Lighting
In a world torn and divided,
we gather to embrace the gift of peace.
We come with hearts yearning for reconciliation and understanding.
We light the second candle of Advent,
a symbol of God’s gift to a troubled world.
(Light the candle of peace)
May the light of this candle guide us
as we embrace our call to be peacemakers.
Holy One, as you have reconciled us in your Son,
make us instruments of peace in our families and communities.
We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Opening Hymn: "People in Darkness" (124) (Carlson)
Opening Prayers & Children's Story
Choruses: "Jesus Messiah" (Tomlin, Carson, Cash, Reeves) & "Create In Me A Clean Heart" (Bannister)
Scripture Lessons: Malachi 3:1-4, Luke 3:1-18
Sermon: “Dressed like yesterday..." with Rev. Ross Lockhart
Hymn: "On Jordan's Bank" (126) (Coffin, Chandler, Havergal)
Offering & Doxology
Prayers of the People (can be shared in comments of live feed)
Zoom Bible Study: Tuesday from 11:45 am to 12:45 pm.
Women's Study: On pause until the New Year.
A&W Men's Study: Thursday from 7:00 to 8:00 pm.
Christmas Choir: All those interested in joining a pop-up seasonal choir meet in the sanctuary after the service.
Birthdays & Anniversaries: Cecilia du Toit (Thursday, December 12), Mac Porter (Thursday, December 12), Lizzie McCoid (Friday, December 13).
Volunteers for NEXT Sunday: Klaas (Elder), Jovan (Reader), Mandy/Johgn (Greeter), Marion (Vocalist), Brennan (AV). The volunteer schedule is posted online. Please find an alternate if you cannot serve.
Hymn: "Lo! Christ comes with clouds" (120) (Public Domain)
Thought for Reflection
Benediction & Amen