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In today's sermon we were introduced to Mary Magdalene. She was a woman who had experienced Jesus' healing power, provided financial support for Jesus' ministry, and witnessed both Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.

Mary is an important character in the Bible. The Gospels mention her twelve times, more than most of the Twelve. Effectively she is an apostle, the first apostle. When Jesus makes his first post-resurrection appearance in the Gospel of John, Mary is the sole audience member. She alone is given the priviledged task of sharing this news with the other disciples. 

Something that today's sermon never addressed was how she carried out that role. What is recounted of her testimony to the other believers is clear and simple: "I have seen the Lord!"

When we think of being a witness (or God-forbid an apostle), we often think this means conveying a exhaustive description of Jesus as well as a comprehensive articulation of how this same Jesus can be know and how his salvation can be experienced.

For many of us this is such a daunting task that we'd never dare attempt it.

But what is Mary's witness? What does the first apostle say to the other disciples? She simply provides a summary of her unique personal encounter: "I have seen the Lord!"

People need teaching about the life and death and resurrection of Jesus. People need to learn about how God's plans of redemption has been fulfilled in Jesus Christ. But what they need most from their friends and family are words like those shared by Mary. Simple testimonies that speak of how Jesus continues to make himself know.

"Jesus was near me when I lost my husband. In different ways I heard again and again 'I am with you'".

"As I stared out into those vast starry skies, I felt God affirming me. 'You may only be a tiny speck in the Universe but I have a plan for you!'"

"When I was at my lowest and about to pull the plug, a friend called. Someone who I hadn't spoken to for 10 years. They felt God wanted them to call me. That call saved my life."

Imagine that you are Mary. Where in your life have you encountered God? Where have you encoutered Jesus? What is your message, your testimony, for those who think Jesus is still dead?




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