"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." John 3:8 NIV
Today's Bible passage has Jesus in conversation with a devout man named Nicodemus. Through the course of their conversation it becomes clear despite Nicodemus' piety and position he is missing something crucial: he fails to understand the need for God's work of reclamation and renewal in his life.
Now maybe we shouldn't be too hard on Nicodemus. This would seem to be his first indepth encounter with Jesus. And yet as the conversation plays out it seems that Nicodeumus never imagined that God would have such a plan for his life.
Jesus doesn't miss the irony. Nicodemus has advanced in his religion but has missed the core component: God's plans to give people new hearts.
I don't think that Nicodemus is unique. It would seem that there are many people who are very interested in religion, very 'clean' in their living, and are faithful in their practises. And yet at the center they seem to be lacking that animating, regenerative life force that we associate with God's Spirit.
At the same time it would seem that there are many others without formal training or religious credentials, whose histories are marked with mistakes and failings, and haven't always maintained a solid track record in religious observance BUT seem alive and animated by God's Spirit; they abound in joy, peace, and gentleness.
It it wise not to judge too quickly. I recall C.S. Lewis arguing that we shouldn't complain about old Ms. Simpson's seeming failure to grow in grace, without considering what she might have become without Christ in her life. But it does seem that there is some unique qualities exhibited by those who have been 'born from above'.
So are you giving God space to work in your life? What different graces has God's Spirit been cultivating in you?