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Welcome to St. Andrew's! We would love to have you join us this Sunday. In addition to attending in person, you can stream the service live HERE on Facebook or HERE on our website.

We are celebrating Holy Communion this Sunday. Those who join via the live stream or recordings are invited to prepare some juice and bread for this part of the service. 

Thanks to Curtis & Linda for helping lead this morning's worship. 

Order of Service


Call to Worship (Psalm 106)

Praise the Lord.
Give thanks for God's goodness.
God's steadfast love endures forever.
Happy are those who observe justice,
who do righteousness at all times.
Save us, O Lord,
and gather us from among the nations,
that we may give thanks to your holy name,
and glory in your praise.

Come and worship God!

Opening Hymn: "Jesus Calls Us" #672 (Alexander, Kennedy, Jude)

Opening Prayers & Children's Story

Choruses: "Forever" (Tomlin) & "I Desire Jesus" (Ligertwood

Scripture Lessons: Exodus 32:1-14 & 1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Sermon: "Contracts and promises."

Offering & Doxology

Prayers of the People (can be shared in comments of live feed)

Communion Hymn: "Here Is Bread Here Is Wine" #546 (Kendrick) 

Lord's Supper


Presbyterian Women: The group will meet in the Tea Room on Tuesday at 9:30 AM for their monthly meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend. Your interest and ideas for future events are appreciated.
Zoom Bible Study: Join us online from 10:30-11:30 this Wednesday (new time this week only).
Ladies Bible Study: 
Meet this Thursday at 11:30 am in the Tea Room. Bring a bag lunch.
Men's In-Person Bible Study: Meet at A&W on Columbia St this Thursday at 7:00 pm.
Membership Class: If you'd like to explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus, understand the gift of the Presbyterian/Reformed tradition,  and/or formalize your connection with St. Andrew's, consider joining our upcoming membership class. The class includes four in-person discussion sessions after worship. Our first Session is today in the Board Room. 
Memorial: A memorial for Hazel Jahour will be held on Monday, October 21st at 10:00 here at St. Andrew's. 
Safety Workshop: All are welcome to attend this video presentation and discussion where we will discuss best practices to ensure the safety of all people (volunteers and participants) in our church programs. Meet in the Sunday School room after the worship service on October 13.
PCC 150th Anniversary Booklet: Do you have a favourite memory of singing in a choir, attending a youth group, enjoying a potluck supper, or attending a General Assembly? The Committee on History would like to hear your story. Please talk to Marion H. for more information.
Birthdays & Anniversaries: Sandra Mori (Monday, October 7), Tristan Coetzer (Wednesday, October 9).

Hymn: "There’s a wideness in God’s mercy" (Faber, Mitchell

Thought for Reflection

Benediction & Amen